Now that your starter is ready to go it's time to master making your very own Sourdough. Follow Darr...
You can't make Sourdough without your starter. This recipe helps you through the ins and outs of creating your own, and it'll be so worth the patience!
75ml fresh, live, full-fat, plain yoghurt
175ml skimmed milk
120g strong white flour
180g strong white flour
100ml water
40ml milk
150g strong white flour
150ml water
Heat the milk on a gentle heat.
Place the yoghurt into a bowl and stir in the warmed milk.
Cover and leave in a warm place for 24 hours until thickened.
Day 2-3Stir the flour into the yoghurt mix, incorporating evenly.
Cover and leave at room temperature for two days.
The mixture should then be full of bubbles.
Day 4Add the flour to the starter with the water and the milk.
Cover and leave at warm room temperature for 24 hours.
Day 5The starter should now be full of little bubbles.
Remove half of the starter and discard.
Add the flour and the water to the remaining starter and mix thoroughly.
Cover and leave at warm room temperature for 24 hours.
Day 6The starter should now be ready to use.
You can keep the starter at room temperature, but if so you will need to feed it daily - do this by combining equal parts of the starter, water and flour and mixing thoroughly.
You may need to discard some of the starter so that you do not end up with too much.
Keep your starter covered and use as needed.
If baking less often then you can keep the starter covered in the fridge, feeding it once every five days or so with the method above.
You can freeze some of your finished starter too, as a back up in case you need to start the process again.
Now that your starter is ready to go it's time to master making your very own Sourdough. Follow Darr...
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