Team Lucky Four, comprising Hannah Cameron, Emily Paterson, Erin McPherson and Phoebe Teasdale, were crowned winners for their incredible ‘Delizia Italiana’ soup. The team’s hearty Italian-inspired recipe, which featured a mixture of pasta, meat, vegetables and herbs, provided the perfect nutritional balance and blend of flavours. A fun jingle, eye-catching labelling and well considered costings and pricing completed the package.

Six S2 teams from Elgin Academy, Milne’s High School and Speyside High School took part in this year’s final.

Each team had to create a soup recipe that had at least two nutritional benefits, was packed with flavour but would also be cost effective for consumers. As well as creating the recipe, the competitors had to undertake market research, cost up their ingredients and establish a selling price, and create a plan to promote their new product.

The Baxters Soup Challenge is delivered in partnership with Developing the Young Workforce Moray to offer young people in Moray the opportunity to learn new enterprise skills and see firsthand the range of careers the food manufacturing industry can offer.

This year’s Baxters judges were Graeme Morrison, Supply Chain Director; Darren Sivewright, Group Innovation Manager; Harriet Shaw, Brand Manager; Lisa Wood, HR Business Partner; and Scott Harris, European Head of Commercial Finance.

Graeme Morrison said: “I always enjoy being involved in the Baxters Soup Challenge and having the opportunity to support the potential of young people within our local community. With the support of their teachers, the pupils involved always put in such hard work and effort to not only create a soup that tastes great but also a properly thought-out plan of how to produce and market it.

“As a major employer in Moray, the Baxters Soup Challenge allows us to demonstrate the wide range of opportunities and careers available locally within our sector and the pupils learn more about the process of creating, producing, and selling a new food product.

“We hope all of our finalists take away some new skills and confidence and huge congratulations to our winners, Lucky Four, from Milne’s High School.”